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Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls:

In addition to Himalayan singing bowls and quartz crystal singing bowls, I also play several Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls infused with precious metals and crystals:  (click here for more info about Alchemy bowls from Crystal Tones)

Moldavite - A dark green tektite stone alchemized with pure quartz to create intensive harmonic healing portals to higher consciousness. A loving, crystalline bridge to the stars. G centering Throat Chakra

Ocean Gold - Enhancing the immune system and the thymus gland by combining Neptunian pearl-like waveforms with playful dolphin pod and whale energies encouraging a loving clarity of communication. 

Selenite - Selenite is the sonic wand of healing. The sound of selenite can be directed with loving laser-like intention to work on specific areas of the body or to eliminate etheric disharmony, dis-ease or blocked energy. Selenite attracts and expresses the pure light of our multiverse source. G grounded Chakra 10

Peridot - Supporting physical detoxification, Peridot releases negative emotions fostering emotional balance and inner peace. It attracts love and calms anger from within. Enhancing confidence Peridot helps us see our own light promoting access to our inner vision and joy. 

Platinum – A pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in yin energy. Platinum stimulates the divine feminine, relieves stress , diminishes depression while aligning the intuitive and emotional body. C Root Chakra

Sedona Redrock - A triad vortex sandstone blend from Sedona’s Cathedral Rock, Bell Rock and Airport Rock mountains, created through intentional loving design to initiate accelerated consciousness with frequencies that resonate in honor and recognition of the Native American harmonic. 

Serpentine Mt Shasta - Ambassador of the mystical properties of the Mt Shasta vortex, the natural green energy of Serpentine keeps you grounded in grace during our journey of loving transformation, aligning you with the natural ebb and flow of all life. A at the 3rd eye

Mother Of Platinum - A natural fusion of pure quartz and platinum creating a fullness of the spirit energy of Venus, the matriarchal goddess of love. Influential, powerful and effective in working through emotional issues. 

Shungite - Ancient stone of Life, an alchemical miracle stone, unlike any other- promotes positivity and removes negative energies and thoughts. It is a grounding and clearing stone which protects against the absorption of EMF from cell phones, computers, WiFi, etc. Shungite can assist in cell rejuvenation and is a catalyst for growth and transformation. E at the solar plexus

Smokey Quartz – Smokey facilitates positive mental and spiritual thinking and the art of remaining fully balanced in this moment. Working with the lower chakras to promote creativity, Smokey encourages a firmly footed centering and grounding. B crown chakra

Green Heart Aura Gold - Made of gold. This bowl is about opening the heart fully to giving and receiving love. It creates strong roots that help us to connect in a universal manner with all life. The feeling of Oneness of connection to all that is. It allows us to be more understanding and compassionate with others. D sacral chakra

Mother of Platinum F# - A natural fusion of pure quartz and platinum creating a fullness of the spirit energy of Venus, the matriarchal goddess of love. Influential, powerful and effective in working through emotional issues. Balancer of emotions. F# Thymus gland 

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